Updated: May 2020
Camrose Buffaloes Football Association 2020 Terms & Conditions
Parent / Guardian Permission
I, the parent/guardian of the named participant hereby give my approval for participation in any and all the activities of the Camrose Buffaloes Football Association for the 2019 seasons. I assume all risks and hazards, incidental to the conduct of any of the activities, including transportation to and from such activities. I do further release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the Camrose Buffaloes Football Association, its coaches, trainers, organizers, sponsors, directors and staff, and any or all of them, in the case of injury to my child. I hereby waive all claims against the coaches, trainers, organizers, sponsors, directors and staff appointed by CBFA. I likewise waive, to the extent not covered by liability insurance, any claim against any person transporting my child to and from the activities.
I do hereby grant representatives of the Camrose Buffaloes Football Association permission to:
- Apply basic first aid by a certified person to the player (your child).
- Transport the above noted player to the nearest hospital emergency room, either by private vehicle or by ambulance, when necessary.
This permission shall apply only when the noted player is participating in the any camps, jamborees, practices, games or other.
Registration Policy
As of the 2019 season, the Camrose Buffaloes Football Association is no longer accepting cheques as payment for registration fees. All payments shall be made online. If you prefer to pay cash, arrangements can be made with the Registrar. *If you are applying to KidSport or Jump Start for financial assistance. Please speak to the Registrar prior to completing the registration forms.
A player will be considered registered with the Camrose Buffaloes Football Association when the following has been fulfilled:
- Registration fees have been paid to CBFA in full;
- Documentation verifying a player’s date of birth (Alberta Health Care Card, Birth Certificate, etc.) must be shown at time of registration.
- For Bantam level players, a copy of a page of the player’s latest report card showing what school and grade they are currently in must be provided.
- All waivers and Codes of Conduct are signed (online during registration process)
- An undated equipment ($300.00 cheque) & volunteer deposit cheque ($200.00) has been submitted to CBFA. *For Novice (Flag) players deposits amounts are $50 Equipment and $100 Volunteer.
A player is not permitted to participate in any activities of the CBFA, nor will equipment be provided until the above conditions of registration have been met.
CBFA will accept installment payments for registration fees as described on payment page. This only applies to credit card payments.
CBFA will accept online credit card/VISA Debit payments. If you are not able to pay online, arrangements can be made with the Registrar to accept cash, certified cheques or money orders for registration fees.
A refund will be issued in the following circumstances:
A request for a refund has been submitted in writing (email) to the CBFA President and the CBFA Registrar no later than 7 days prior to the first league game.
In this case, a refund will be issued less a $50.00 administration & insurance fee.
Camrose Buffaloes Football Association will not be obligated to issue a refund in the event of player injury, change of family circumstance (re-location) etc. in the event that such an occurrence falls after the cut-off date. That is 7 days before the first league game.
In special circumstances, CBFA may waive any or all the refund requirements. Such circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis by CBFA Executive. Any application for a special circumstance refund must be submitted in writing to the CBFA President and the CBFA Registrar. There will be no appeal process should the request for refund be denied. The Executive will have the option to deny the request for refund, issue a pro-rated refund or any other terms that the Executive deems suitable.
Any refund issued will be less the $50.00 administration & insurance fee.
NOTE: NO refund will be issued until all CBFA loaned equipment has been returned in the same condition in which it was issued.
Novice: Players will be provided a team jersey, to be returned at end of season. Flags will be provided for all practices & games and returned after each use. Players should provide their own shoes (which should be football/soccer cleats) socks, mouth guard is optional.
Atom, Peewee and Bantam: Players will be provided on loan: practice pants and jersey, game pants and jersey, shoulder pads and a certified helmet. CBFA will also provide 1 pair of game socks and a basic mouth guard which are yours to keep. Players will need to provide their own cleats, no metal allowed. (We have some available to borrow) and a water bottle (for EVERY practice and game).
Each player: Is expected to clean on a regular basis and return all loaned equipment at the end of the season. Players should notify their coach immediately if any equipment is damaged or lost during the season, so it may be replaced. Replacement costs are as follows: helmet $450, pants $50, shoulder pads $150, game jersey $80, practice jersey $20, socks $10.
Equipment Deposit Cheque
A deposit cheque is required for each player prior to equipment pick-up & will be returned upon return of all loaned equipment (in good condition) or deposited accordingly for any missing or damaged pieces of equipment. Should the equipment not be returned within 14 days of the scheduled equipment return date, the cheque will be cashed. (Novice $50, Atom, Peewee and Bantam $300)
Each player will compete with other players of comparable age, weight and skill level.
Players game time participation will be reflected by attendance/participation in weekly practices & at coaches’ discretion.
Media Release Acknowledgement
I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission to Camrose Buffaloes Football Association to use the image of my child participating in CBFA activities. Such use includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission, or otherwise use of photographs, images, and/or video taken of my child for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to, printed materials such as brochures and newsletters, videos, and digital images such as those on the Camrose Buffaloes Football Association website or Facebook site.
Bylaws, RPP’s and Codes of Conduct
As the parent/guardian, I acknowledge and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions (this page), the CBFA Bylaws, CBFA RPP’s and Codes of Conduct. I understand these documents are available on the Camrose Buffaloes website for review.
Download a PDF version here (coming soon)