CDMFA 2024 Spring Non-Contact RPP’s




Clubhouse Location:

4515 54 Street, Camrose Rotary Youth Centre, Door #2

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1775

Camrose, AB T4V 1X7


  •   Camrose Buffaloes Football Association
  • @camrosefootball

Instagram - Wikipedia   @camrosebuffaloesfootball

To our Members,

The Camrose Buffaloes Football Association (CBFA) was incorporated March 15, 2017. The club previously operated as Rose City Football from 2003-2016. As a non-profit association formed under the Societies act of Alberta, we have no paid staff members within our organization. 

The CBFA and its Board welcome suggestions and concerns. The way we measure the success of our program and continue to grow is through the input of our club’s members, so please feel free to contact any member of the Board to provide the same. Remember, we are all volunteers working to provide the best program for our kids to enjoy. 

If clarification is required regarding any of the following Rules, Policies or Procedures (RPPs) or more information is required about CBFA, its Society Bylaws and those of the Capital District Minor Football Association (our league), or the operations of this Association, please contact the President or Vice President whose contact information is posted on the website.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

CBFA Board and Staff



Capital District Minor Football Association (CDMFA) Player Eligibility

(Age attained during calendar year)

U8 Ages 6-8 (formally known as Novice)

U10 Ages 8-10 (formally known as Atom)

U13 Ages 11-12 (formally known as Peewee

U16 Ages 13-15* (formally known as Bantam) (*not enrolling in high school, grade 10, in September)

When registering, all players must be registered in the age appropriate division. If a player would like to play in a higher division, they may make a request to the Board. The request must be approved by the Head Coaches of both teams affected and the Board. 

  1. 2025 FEES

Novice, ATOM, PEEWEE and BANTAM divisions are $235 per player for Spring Flag League.

The breakdown of fees is as follows: 

2022 Football Alberta Non-Contact Membership $17.00

CDMFA Spring Non Contact $60.00

Fundraising Fee $50

CBFA Fees $108

  1. A player will be considered registered with the Camrose Buffaloes Football Association when the following has been fulfilled: 
  1. Registration fees have been paid in full;
  2. Documentation verifying a player’s date of birth (Alberta Health Care Card, Birth Certificate, etc.) must be shown at time of registration.  
  3. For Bantam level players, a copy of a page of the player’s latest report card showing what school and grade they are currently in must be provided.
  4. All waivers and Codes of Conduct are signed (online during registration process, hard copy of CoC))
  5. All deposit cheques have been submitted. 

*A player is not permitted to participate in any activities of the CBFA, nor will equipment be provided until the above conditions of registration have been met.

  1. As of the 2019 season, the Camrose Buffaloes Football Association is no longer accepting cheques as payment for registration fees. CBFA will accept online credit card/VISA Debit payments and E-transfer payments. If you are not able to pay online, arrangements can be made with the Registrar to accept cash, certified cheques or money orders for registration fees. 
  1. CBFA will accept installment payments for registration fees as described on payment page. This only applies to credit card payments. 
  1. All deposits must be in cheque form. 
  1. Cheques are undated and made out to Camrose Buffaloes Football Association
  2. Deposits cheques are held for the season and returned upon satisfying the requirements as described in this document. Deposit cheques will be returned at the end of season when equipment is returned.
  3. Deposit Cheques are due at the time of your child’s registration/first day.
    1. Volunteer deposit $100.00
    2. Fundraising deposit $100.00 
  1. If you require assistance through KidSport or Jump Start for your child to play, please speak to the Registrar prior to completing the registration forms online. The forms are available on our website. 
  1.  Documentation verifying a player’s date of birth (Alberta Health Care Card, Birth Certificate, etc.) must be   shown at time of registration.  In compliance with Information Privacy laws, no photocopies of documents will be collected. 
  1. For Bantam level players, please provide the page of the player’s latest report card showing what school and grade they are currently in.
  1. For league and insurance purposes, a player will not take part in the program until their Registration requirements are completed in full. 
  1.  All parents/guardians must create an account on the RAMP registration page, as well as on TeamSnap. TeamSnap is our primary method of communication.
  1.  Refunds:
  1. Refunds of the fees charged by Football Alberta ($17), the fundraising fee ($50) and the CDMFA($60) are non-refundable.
  2. A refund for the CBFA fees will only be issued in extenuating circumstances. Request for a refund must be submitted in writing (email) to the CBFA President and the CBFA Registrar no later than 7 days prior to the first practice. Refunds will be determined on a case by case basis and there will be an administration fee.
  3. Camrose Buffaloes Football Association will not be obligated to issue a refund in the event of player injury, change of family circumstance (re-location) etc. in the event that such an occurrence falls after the cut-off date. That is 7 days before the first league game.
  4. In special circumstances, CBFA may waive any or all the refund requirements. Such circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis by CBFA Executive. Any application for a special circumstance refund must be submitted in writing to the CBFA President and the CBFA Registrar. There will be no appeal process should the request for refund be denied. The Executive will have the option to deny the request for refund, issue a pro-rated refund or any other terms that the Executive deems suitable.
  5. Any refund issued will be less the $75.00 administration fee.
  6. NO refund will be issued until all CBFA loaned equipment has been returned in the same condition in which it was issued.


The Camrose Buffaloes Football Association (CBFA) was incorporated March 15, 2017. The club previously operated as Rose City Football from 2003-2016. As a non-profit association formed under the Societies act of Alberta, we have no paid staff members within our organization. 

Our club has gone through numerous changes over the years and we have expanded to include Fall Novice Flag: Fall Tackle Atom, Peewee and Bantam teams; and Spring NFL Flag Novice, Atom, Peewee and Bantam thanks to the support of our hard-working volunteers. 

In order to maintain and continue to grow our vibrant program for the youth of Camrose and area, we must continually recruit new volunteers to carry on where others have left off. Any effort put forth would greatly enhance the delivery of another successful program for our players. If you are able to contribute some of your time to our club, please contact the President or Vice President.

  1. Volunteer Requirements per player, per season are as follows:

Deposit cheques as described previously, will be returned at the end of season provided the requirements have been met. If requirements are not fulfilled, the CBFA will deposit the cheque.

Spring NFL Flag requires 3 hours of volunteering for each player.

*These are only for Spring League. Additional hours and jobs are required for Fall League.

A list of volunteer jobs will be available at in person registration/first practice. Volunteer jobs include but are not limited to:

  • Team Manager
  • Swag/Clothing Order Coordinator
  • Jaywalkers booth shift
  • Bottle Drive – We require someone with a stock trailer to park in town, the players collect and load, and the driver drops off at the Daysland Bottle Depot.
  1. Some parents don’t have the time or desire to volunteer and simply choose to pay the fee ($100) and not participate in volunteering. Although we would obviously prefer volunteer assistance, we understand time restraints and accordingly, this option is available to you. Please let our Registrar know at the time of registration if you choose this option.
  1. Field staff members (Coaches, Trainers, Team Managers, Bench Managers) and Board members are exempt from the volunteer jobs listed above as they have already committed a great deal of time and energy to our club. 


  1. Participation in The CDMFA Cash Raffle is part of registration. Every registered player will receive 5 raffle tickets to sell at a cost of $10 each. Details regarding the rules of this raffle are available on our website as well as on CDMFA’s site.
  2. Every player is required to participate in the Spring Bottle Drive AND/OR another fundraising opportunity should there be another option as put forth by the Board. 


There is minimal equipment required for Flag and Non-Contact Football.

  1. Flag Football Equipment requirements are as listed:
    •  Jerseys and shorts are provided to players as part of registration, and they will keep them following the season.
    • CBFA will also provide: 1 mouth guard, yours to keep
    • Belts and Flags will be provided at practices and games and must be returned at the end of the practice or game.

In addition to the equipment supplied, each player will need to provide the following individually:

  • Cleats, no metal cleats allowed. (We have some available to borrow)
  • Water bottle (for EVERY practice and game)


Our teams participate in the Capital District Minor Football Association (CDMFA) League. Information regarding the League can be found on their website  Our teams’ game schedules are determined by the CDMFA and they are subject to change without notice. 

Please note that the following days and times are subject to change, however we will do our best to keep as listed.

U8 Division, ages 6-8 (formally known as Novice)

  1. U8 5-A-Side Flag Football is for players 6-8 years of age before Dec 31 of the current year.
  2. Players must wear cleats.
  3. PRACTICES: Practices are held Tuesdays 6:00-7:30pm commencing mid April.
  4. GAMES: All games are held at various fields in the greater Edmonton and surrounding area on either Saturday or Sunday. Games are scheduled by the league and typically commence the beginning of May.
  5. Players are required to be dressed and ready to enter the field 30 minutes prior to game time.
  6. No experience necessary. This is entry level football for players regardless of gender.

U10 Division, ages 8-10 (formally known as Atom)

  1. U10 5-A-Side Flag Football is for players 8-10 years of age before Dec 31 of the current year.
  2. Players must wear cleats.
  3. PRACTICES: Practices are held Tuesdays 6:00-8:00 commencing the first week in  April.
  4. GAMES: All games are held at various fields in the greater Edmonton and surrounding area on either Saturday or Sunday. Games are scheduled by the league and typically commence the beginning of May.
  5. Players are required to be dressed and ready to enter the field 30 minutes prior to game time.
  6. No experience necessary. This is entry level football for players regardless of gender.

U13 Division, ages 11-12 (formally known as Peewee)

  1. U13 5-A-Side Flag Football is for players 11-12 years of age before Dec 31 of the current year.
  2. Players must wear cleats. (Not included)
  3. PRACTICES: Practices are held Thursdays 6:30-8:30 pm commencing the first week in April.
  4. GAMES: All games are held at various fields in the greater Edmonton and surrounding area on either Saturday or Sunday. Games are scheduled by the league and typically commence the middle of April.
  5. Players are required to be dressed and ready to enter the field 30 minutes prior to game time.
  6. No experience necessary. This is entry level football for players regardless of gender.

U16 Division, ages 13-15* (*15 and NOT entering high school) (formally known as Bantam)

  1. U16 7-A-Side Flag Football is for players 13-15* years of age before Dec 31 of the current year, *and not entering high school
  2. Players must wear cleats. (Not included)
  3. PRACTICES: Practices are held Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm commencing the first week in April.
  4. GAMES: All games are held at various fields in the greater Edmonton and surrounding area on either Saturday or Sunday. Games are scheduled by the league and typically commence the beginning of May.
  1. Players are required to be dressed and ready to enter the field 30 minutes prior to game time.
  2. No experience necessary. This is entry level football for players regardless of gender.

For all teams (U8, U10, U13, U16)

  1. Players are expected to attend all practices and games throughout the season. In conjunction with continuous assessment of a player’s skill development and performance achievement, field staff will monitor attendance, keeping record of injuries, illness and absences. Players are required to notify their Head Coach/Team Manager prior to being absent from a practice or game. The Association will be fined for forfeiting a game. 
  1. Safety comes first. If a player is thought not to be ready to play by the Trainer or Coach, that player will not play. It is not our desire to cut or release any such player; rather, we will continue to work with the player on the practice field with the intention of putting that player on the playing field. 
  1. Our teams are co-ed and any team that has male and female players shall have at least one female and one male staff on the bench for all games.
  1. Playing time is NOT guaranteed.
  1. Players and parents are urged to keep this information handy for reference. Handouts may be provided to players at practice, but most information will be relayed to you via the TeamSnap app, email or posted on our website.
  1. Please refer to our club website, for Club Rules, Policy and Procedures (RPP’s) Manual, Board contact information, team information, Bylaws, Terms and Conditions,   registration information, updates and announcements. 
  1. Please refer to the league website,  for league RPP’s, Bylaws, Game schedules, league standings, game results and other news and updates.
  1. Please refer to the Football Alberta website, for insurance coverage information and claim forms.
  1. Due to various reasons (weather, field availability, official availability, etc.) schedule changes are inevitable. Staff will communicate changes to you in a timely fashion; however, we ask that you continue to check the TeamSnap app and the league website as close to game day as possible for schedule changes. Clubs may not be informed of changes in advance; staff members check the CDMFA website to keep informed.
  1. Inclement Weather Policy Football is a sport that is played in all weather conditions (sun, rain, wind, sleet and snow); only extreme cold (-30) , area specific electrical storms, or a Air Quality Index rating of 7 or higher (smoke from fires) will bring a stop to practice/games. The Board or Team Managers will attempt to notify all members in advance of any cancellations. In addition, due to the possible risk of damage to city fields, practices may also be called off in the case of prolonged/extreme rain. The Board or Team Managers will inform you as soon as possible through the TeamSnap App if this occurs.
  • Lightning Policy

If lightning has been sighted during practice or game, the coaching staff will be made to clear the field.

Should this occur, ALL PLAYERS WILL REMAIN in a vehicle or designated safe area as determined by the coaching staff for 30 minutes. After this time has elapsed, the coaching staff/Board will reassess the conditions to determine whether the practice will either resume or be cancelled.

Parents/Guardians will be informed of the delay and the decision whether to resume or cancel through the TeamSnap app.

  • Air Quality Cancellation Policy

Scheduled games and practices will be cancelled or moved when the Air Quality Index is 7 or higher as this is the High Risk zone and could affect player safety. This policy was created in the interest of player safety and based on the Government of Canada’s Guidelines.

We will use the following tools to determine the AQHI:AQHI Canada app. Developed by the Government of Alberta. Can be found at the Government of Canada’s Air Quality Health Index by Station 

Should a practice or game be cancelled, Notification will be made via the TeamSnap App and or email.

  1. Buffaloes logoed clothing and swag items may be available for purchase from the Association at various times through the season. These items are NOT mandatory but available for purchase to show your pride and support of our teams.  All items must be paid for and ordered within the timelines set out annually in order for our items to arrive in a timely manner.
  • All Buffalo clothing or swag items shall use the approved logo of our Association. Any other items purchased outside of the Associations offers must be approved by the Board of Directors. 
  1. Individual and Team photographs are taken outdoors. A notice of the photograph date and times will be provided by Team Managers and on the RAMP Team schedule. All players are expected to attend in game colours. There will not be a make up or retake day. The order form link will be emailed out. 
  1. The AGM/Awards Banquet is typically the 3rd Saturday in November. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held first, with entertainment provided for players and their siblings. This is followed by a meal then the Awards and recognition banquet.  There may be a fee per ticket, this is determined by the susses of fundraising initiatives. 
  1. The above information is not intended to be exhaustive. 


All Players, Parents, Field Staff and Board Members are required to sign a Code of Conduct every season indicating their understanding and agreeance to our guidelines of conduct.

In addition, the following apply:

  1. A parent or guardian should either be in attendance at practice or reachable by phone to pick up their player in the case practice is cut short due to incident or inclement weather. Coaches remain at the field until every player is picked up so please be diligent in picking up your player When dropping your player off please ensure practice is proceeding as scheduled.

The Camrose Buffaloes Football Association (CBFA) is a member in good standing with our league, the Capital District Minor Football Association (CDMFA), and as such, we are obligated to follow their Rules, Policy and Procedures. Our members are required to act in accordance with the league’s Code of Conduct as well as our own. We are reminded to treat other groups, teams and officials with respect; failure to adhere may result in a field ban.

  1. During games, spectators, friends, siblings, etc. are to stay away from the players and their bench. At most fields, spectators will be on the side of the field opposite the player’s bench. People at the players’ bench are only there by permission of the association and in accordance with insurance requirements of Football Alberta. A no-tolerance position will be taken in this regard.
  1. ONLY players and staff are permitted on practice and game fields.  Trainers will handle injuries and coaches will coach the team. Our trained and qualified staff are insured through Football Alberta and we should not jeopardize the potential entitlement to any insurance claim. If the assistance or presence of a parent is required on the field, he/she will be immediately notified by a staff member or game official. This is not negotiable, and a no-tolerance position will be taken in this regard.
  1. Coaches must NOT be addressed on GAME day and Officials may only be addressed by Head Coaches.  Coaches will be focused and intent on the activities of game day. This is a club AND league rule. You may contact the Team Manager to discuss any questions or concerns that you might have. If your concern is upsetting, you must wait 24 hours to allow for a cooling off period before contacting anyone. If you feel you are not able to speak to your Team Manager, please contact the President. With permission, you may address your queries of coaches at the next practice if necessary. Abuse of officials will result in league disciplinary action against our team/organization.
  1. Violations of sportsmanship within our Club and the League (other teams, officials, etc.) should be reported. Protocols have been put in place for the reporting or violations for both levels, club and league. Concerns/complaints will NOT be considered unless the proper protocol is followed:
    • Please contact our President for direction/assistance with respect to complaints regarding the League (CDMFA);
    • Please see your Team Manager for direction with respect to complaints relating to our club (CBFA).
  1. A zero-tolerance position will be taken with respect to any abuse of our players, team staff, volunteers and Board members, as well as other groups, teams and officials.
  1. Parents should get to know their Team Manager, as they will be equipped with up-to-date information in all aspects of the program. Concerns should be brought up with your Team Manager as early as possible so that they may be addressed in a timely manner. The Team Manager will direct the concern to the appropriate team staff member for reply. If you remain unsatisfied with the reply provided to you by the Team Manager/coaching staff, please put your complaint/concern in writing (dated and signed) and provide it to the President. Written complaints are dealt with by the President in a timely manner. 
  1. Smoking/Vaping or using alcohol or cannabis is not permitted among the staff while working with our children on the game or practice fields. To comply with City Bylaws and School Regulation’s we ask that all parents and spectators restrict smoking/vaping to areas outside the chain-link fences. No smoking is permitted on school property at all.
  1.  We are a non-profit organization, which means we rely heavily on fundraising and sponsorships. Money raised through these efforts is used for the seasonal operations of the club, new equipment and maintenance, awards banquet, etc.  All players and parents or guardians are required to complete fundraising as set out by the Board of Directors annually; and support our sponsorship initiatives. 
  1.  Failure to adhere to any of the Rules, Policies and Procedures may nullify your membership with this organization.
  1.  The above information is not intended to be exhaustive. 
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